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Software-Enabled Service Company

Software-Enabled Service Company

This segment strives to highlight some of GrowthLab’s awesome customers. We want to highlight their growth as well as things that the company is working on for the future. 

Growth — The company’s growth story… what drove their entrepreneurial bug? What drove them to start the business? 

Lab — If there was one thing the company could execute on in the next 12-18 months, what would it be?

This segment highlights Winalytics. Winalytics uses a unique software-enabled service model to help clients achieve their top growth potential by consistently positioning and qualifying buyers at each phase of the buyer journey.

What is the company’s growth story and what drove you to start the business?

I started out as a social scientist in qualitative research, which actually turns out was the best training I could have had to be a revenue leader. I had that wired in my brain and went from being a social scientist in academics, to being involved in a series of revenue leadership roles. That my was my turning point… I realized that how I was doing things could be translated into a consulting business for others. 

Just over five years ago, Winalytics was started as being in more of an embedded role. We would take on leadership roles as an extension of the leadership team and eventually we moved into consulting. We now use software to help people build playbooks that revolve around companies defining their businesses. A few key questions we ask are as follows: How do we drive value for our buyers? What are the business goals? What can we help them achieve? 

Winalytics helps build playbooks for companies and apply them to prospected areas that are in need. We build these playbooks during every phase of the company. This allows for more conversations with potential buyers, better sales execution with the initial call, stakeholder calls, proposal calls, or even putting it into your land and expand motion. 

Our business success has come from two main principles. One, helping companies shift from thinking about their products… to thinking about presenting their buyer with value. Two, helping teams consistently execute on the above. It’s one thing to write a playbook with accurate talk tracks and messaging, but if only one of your 16 team members are executing, then you’re not going to get the performance you desire. For us, it’s about building the value positioning strategy, building the playbooks at every phase, and then supporting you through either direct in-deal coaching, or prospecting workflow coaching. With bigger organizations, we work closely with the managers on how they can build consistent reinforcement around the playbook. 

At this point, we’ve grown our team to eight full time employees and have a number of contractors working with us. We work across four or five segments. Higher Education and education in general is a big segment for us. We do a lot of human capital and HR sales because that’s a market which is often in transition. Here are two key questions that we think about: how do we retain the top talent and how do we train the top talent? We can do this by optimizing work on marketing communication platforms, into consumer engagement and retail sectors. 

If there was one thing the company could execute on in the next 12-18 months, what would it be?

There are two very clear projects for us. We do have an MVP software product, so we want to move from being a service… to a tech enable service. Right now we have the company playbooks, those are Google Docs or they are on a Microsoft share drive. We bring these playbooks into coaching interactions or reinforcement interactions, so moving forward we’re going to use a software service to put them in a workflow. This workflow is really an extension of your email or in other words, it’s an email outline. This will allow for easier access as well as better technology within the playbooks. Moving to a tech enabled software service is our key priority. 

We also have a book project that consists of writing up our concepts into one book. We started with a series of insights with the concepts that worked for us and our clients. We began putting that into a book and building out a demand gen approach. This includes SEO and content to increase our market presence and build some inbound traffic, as well as just the outbound work for prospecting. Those are our two big initiatives for the back half of the year that I’m sure will continue into next year.

GrowthLab, has been a great partner for us without a doubt. I mean, not only just helping with the accounting, and the cash flow but also, with the PPP. We’re always ahead of the game… ahead of my bank and ahead of what I was getting from other folks. So that’s been a huge asset and it’s been a good working relationship. 

I would like to end with a thought, for all revenue leaders or just sales folks. We have a tagline that says, “learn quicker, grow faster”. Every market we’re now in is very disrupted. There is just so much information coming at people. There’s always one, two, or three things we can improve. Committing to being a learner about your market continually is a mental shift, but worth it. Once you’ve made that shift, it’s much more exciting to think, “OK, I’m going to engage differently because it’s better for them and it’s better for me”.

–Brent Keltner, President of Winalytics

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